A white background with a few small dots on it.

The Schedule

6:30 am - Wake up and Morning Prayer
Begin the day with personal reflection, prayer, or scripture reading.

7:00 am - Morning Exercise
A light jog or group exercises to stay physically active.

7:30 am - Breakfast
Community meal in the dining hall.

8:30 am - Morning Lecture
Focused on theological studies and understanding of scriptures.

10:00 am - Short Break
Stretch, grab a snack, or have a quick chat.

10:15 am - Practical Mission Training
Learn about evangelism techniques, cultural sensitivity, and other missionary skills.

12:00 pm - Lunch
Community meal in the dining hall.

1:00 pm - Personal Study/Group Discussions
Dedicated time for reading, assignments, or group study sessions.

2:30 pm - Workshops
Hands-on learning experiences, such as first-aid training, language basics, or discipleship principles.

4:00 pm - Break/Free Time
Relax, connect with peers, or enjoy a hobby.

5:30 pm - Dinner
Community meal in the dining hall.

7:00 pm - Evening Service or Group Prayer
A time to come together, worship, share experiences, and pray.

8:30 pm - Evening Activities
Could include group games, movie nights, or informal discussions.

10:00 pm - Personal Reflection Time
A quiet moment to process the day, journal, or read.

10:30 pm - Lights Out
Rest up for the next day's activities.

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